Congratulations to Jessica Rohde, who has become the twelfth person to have her #SciFund project become fully funded in this round!
Jessica’s achievement is a big one for #SciFund, because it marks the first time fully half of our projects have reached their goals. In an age where over and over we read about the decline in the number of projects supported, #SciFund has seen an increase in the percent of projects supported. Every round.
It’s important to remember that Experiment uses the “stand or fall” model of crowdfunding. With four days left to go, it’ll be exciting to see how many more projects we might push past the finish line! We have three projects past the 50% mark. Currently, Brian Clarke has one of the bigger goals in this round, but is the closest to achieving his target. Other projects close to their goal include Gareth Locke’s SCUBA project, and Jason Finley’s memory and technology project.
You should go to Experiment to see all the great #SciFund projects in this round!