The Research
Several SciFund-associated scientists asked the question: what does it take to succeed in science crowdfunding? To find the answer, they designed a research project that supported - and collected data about - 183 science crowdfunding projects, which raised $307,000. The central finding of the research is simple: building a committed audience prior to crowdfunding is the key to effective fundraising. The research was published in the journal PLOS One and you can read the paper here.
The Video
We've created a 5-minute video that summarizes what we've learned from our crowdfunding research. What's the connection between science crowdfunding and science outreach? Watch the video and find out!
The First Step
The secret to science crowdfunding is science outreach. But how do you get started with connecting people to your research? SciFund Challenge has got you covered. We have tons of science comunication-related resources available to you right now.
The Publications
Check out the papers
Many peer-reviewed scientific publications have been produced by scientists who have been involved with SciFund Challenge crowdfunding. We're incredibly proud of our SciFunders' work and hope you enjoy it as well!
Looking for something else?
Are you still not sure if crowdfunding is right for you? Let’s chat! Send us a message with any questions you may have and we’ll point you in the right direction.