Creative Commons: the way to avoid copyright infringement in your #SciFund video
How do you get people to contribute to your crowdfunding project?
SciFund projects go live on May 1!
#SciFund 2: What can we achieve this time?
A #SciFund-er Prepares
Get your SciFund teaser videos right here!
Less is more: setting the right dollar goal for your #SciFund project
A few #SciFund people have told me that they have not been receiving my e-mails or notifications via the #SciFund e-mail list. If you applied for #SciFund but haven’t heard from me in the past week, please contact me immediately (contact info on About page).

Okay, on to the topic of this post: how do you figure out the right dollar target for your #SciFund crowdfunding project?
There actually is some thinking involved in getting to the answer. The first step is to talk about fees. The organizers of #SciFund aren’t making a penny off of this, but RocketHub does charge some fees. If you make or exceed your target, RocketHub keeps 8% of what you raise (4% going to credit card fees, 4% going to RocketHub). If you don’t hit your target, RocketHub charges 12% (4% going to credit card fees, 8% going to RocketHub). Additionally, for people not in the US and Canada, there is a bank wiring fee, which is 10-20 dollars, when RocketHub sends your money to you.
#SciFund group video – be part of it!
Week one instructions for SciFund

We are in the middle of the first week of project planning for the second round of #SciFund! Or as I like to call it, #SciFund Returns. Unfortunately, a few SciFunders have reported problems with not receiving my e-mails, so I am reposting the instructions for week one here.
To recap the basics of #SciFund, all projects will run from May 1 – May 31 on the crowdfunding platform RocketHub. April – this month – is when we all will be planning our crowdfunding projects. To make it simpler, we have broken down the month by week with specific tasks assigned to each week. Detailed task lists will be e-mailed to you at the beginning of each week.