We are in the homestretch! There are about eight and a half days to go with round two of #SciFund and you guys are doing incredibly well! Eleven projects have now hit their targets and a big congratulations go out to the following folks who are new members of the 100% Club:
- Rob Denton (Sex and the Salamander Down on the Farm)
- Alyssa Gehman (A Climate for Castrators?)
- Stephen Hawley (Backyard Biotech)
- Sean Sterrett (Freshwater Turtles: Who needs ’em?)
- Shaun Walbridge (Roads of the Ocean)
- Siouxie Wiles (Evolution in Action).
Five more projects are at 90% or above and are going to blast through their targets any minute now. Cathy Day is so close! Her project, Overcoming Drought on U.S. Farms, is at 97% and is less than 30 bucks from the end zone. Let’s push her through today!
In fact, roughly half of the projects are at 50% or higher, with a bunch more just slightly behind. But now is where the fun begins. In this last final push, we can expect a burst of contributions if we just keep going with getting the word out. So keep up with the fantastic work!