We are two weeks into the second round of the #SciFund Challenge. With a little over two weeks to go, we are just doing amazingly well with over sixty one thousand dollars in total contributions! A big congratulations goes out to the two #SciFunders who have hit their project targets in the past few days: Greg Goldsmith (Watching Clouds in the Cloud Forest) and Kyle MacLea (Crayfish Clone Wars). And Siouxie Wiles is so close! She is currently at 98% of her target with her project Evolution in Action. There are tons more projects that are making real progress, with 14 projects at 70% and above and a total of 30 projects at or above 50%.
And remember that contributions are MUCH more likely to come in once a project has hit the 100% of the financial goal. Once you hit that mark, SciFunders, definitely, definitely update your text, video, and promotional message to let people know!
For SciFunders at relatively low percentages of your target, absolutely don’t get discouraged! The hardest part with crowdfunding is getting the first bit of traction and the vast, vast majority of you are well past that. The iron law of #SciFund is those who continue to reach out with their science message are rewarded for doing so. So, let’s keep going with the amazing work!