This pilgrim is sad because he can’t work on his video for the SciFund class.
Here we are in Thanksgiving Week for the 2014 SciFund Challenge video training class, which is officially a week off for our course. Unofficially though, please do keep working on your videos and giving comments to the videos of others. Happy Thanksgiving!
We have two bonus videos for the week, to entertain you as you travel for Thanksgiving. The first one gives a bunch of useful techniques you can use during your shooting to shorten the time that you spend editing.
The second video focuses on how to make hats out of balloons (an essential skill in video production, or at least an essential skill in warding off boredom while waiting in an airport security line).
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Go to Facebook and fill out the “Create a New Account” section. You can change everything later, so feel free to be honest about your name and everything else and if you want to change the account to represent an organization later, you can. Once you’ve submitted that information, you’ll have to verify your identity by entering a code sent from Facebook to your email address or phone. Following the code verification, Facebook will walk you through how to set up your profile. You will definitely want a profile picture (which you can change later), but finding people you know is optional at this point, as is touring privacy settings. Either of these activities can be done later, once your account is set up. I’d recommend taking the privacy tour, though, because it’s only 4 short screens to look through and the first screen is especially useful- it shows you how to set viewing privileges for every post you will make.
And that’s it- you’re ready to go!
Facebook’s frontpage, viewed from a computer’s internet browser.
A. Computer view: click on your profile picture and your first name at the very top of the screen (the red box in the image below). Then read the address bar in your browser, which should say something like “”. Please send us the “username” part of that address.
The top of the Facebook profile page for Virginia Schutte, viewed from a computer’s internet browser. There is a red box around the profile icon, which can be used to return to the profile at any time.
B. Mobile view: Your username is currently unavailable to view from a mobile device, so head on over to a computer.
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The two kinds of email that we send.
Announcements about upcoming events: mostly about our upcoming classes (sent out every 1-2 months).
SciFund Solutions: 1-minute communication tips for scientists (sent out every 1-2 weeks).
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