Featured Project: Squirrel-Snake Face Off!

Featured Project: Squirrel-Snake Face Off!

from Jarrett Byrnes


This is it. My 100% FAVORITE #SciFund Video. Just ask Jai. I seriously watch Squirrel-Snake Face Off! at least once a day. Seriously, Bree Putman, you are amazing.

It’s witty, explains the research well, and shows a clear connection to more education with this research going to train more students in ecology. It’s really just plain brilliant.

And couple that with the rewards – postcards, buttons, adopting a squirrel (I wonder how much to adopt a Robo-Squirrel), adopt a snake, or even a select DVD of rattlesnake behaviors. And all for fairly low funding targets.

Seriously, I think this is one of the most solid project we have. With 10 days left to make this project a reality, get over there and help Bree Out! Then watch the video again. And again – it will make your day!