Taking Instagram Further

Creating Stories
When you first open your Instagram app, you’ll notice a row of accounts sitting at the top of your home feed. That row is a bunch of people sharing something about them that has happened in the past 24 hours. Some of those may even be happening right now. And you can join the fun too!
Instagram Stories are a way for you to share a more informal and less permanent slice of your life. Each story lasts for 24 hours, and if you choose to share something live it will disappear immediately after the live feed is complete. Stories may be a great way for you to talk about your research without the pressure of creating something unique and aesthetically appealing.
For example, a recent @NASA story included a short video of a man describing a rocket stage. There weren’t any photography tricks or dramatic perspectives, there were no video filters, and there weren’t any crazy sound effects. It was just you and the presenter for 20 seconds.
For those of us without much visual inspiration, for instance being trapped in a lab or doing data analysis, this may be the perfect method for sharing unique and interesting information about your research. Just get a little creative and you can make your story fun, engaging, and interesting. Check out @science.sam for some really entertaining research stories!
Ready to learn how to create your own story? Follow the slideshow below to learn how!
Using the Repost App
Instagram doesn’t allow you to share someone else’s content. It really tries to force you into creating your own content. But science is a collaborative process, and sharing science should be the same way! Luckily there are others out there who agree and so they created Repost for Instagram . To use Repost, download the Repost App from either the Apple App store or Google Play (or your local app store). Once installed, Repost will walk you through its use. But if instead you’d like to stay here, then we’ve got a slideshow for you:
Instagram isn’t just a place to share photos – it’s also a great place to share video. But what’s the right way to do that? Let’s get into it.
When sharing video is a plus
Video allows you to show motion (obviously), which is important if motion is key to telling your story. Here are a few places where showing video can be key (there are plenty more).
Instruction or demonstration
A demonstration can often be much more effective if you can watch someone doing the thing you want to see. For example, think of reading a cookbook to learn a whisking technique versus watching a video demonstrating that technique. You can see a great illustration of this in action with one of your handy-dandy class instructors (Paige). Among other things, Paige just happens to be a very accomplished aerialist and she has an Instagram account ( @fromthelabbench ) where she demonstrates all sorts of aerial routines. The account is super popular among the huge aerialist community on Instagram (she has almost 12,000 followers at the moment). Here’s an example of one of those videos, where a picture just wouldn’t do.
A story over time
There are many occasions where a static shot can’t truly capture a story because the story intrinsically involves change over time. Here’s an example of that: a time-lapse video of Yosemite National Park where the entire story is about the movement of clouds.
The change doesn’t need to involve very long amounts of time. Here’s a video showing monarch butterflies during their migration. The whole story here is about how many butterflies are flying around, a story that would be difficult to tell with a single image.
The downside of video
It takes no time at all to look at a picture. A video though takes time to watch, even if the video is just a few seconds long. In our busy world, asking for even a few extra seconds of your audience’s time can sometimes be a bridge too far. If the story in your video can be fully captured by a static image, you can increase the odds that your audience will actually take a look.
How does Instagram video work?
You can take video within the Instagram app itself. If you use the plus icon at the bottom of the Instagram screen (which you use for shooting pictures), you’ll see that one of the other options is Video. You can also use video that you have shot and edited elsewhere (use the Library option on the same screen).
Some tips for successful Instagram videos
Everything we have covered about images also applies to videos. We have talked a lot in the class about the need to create content that: connects with your audience’s interests, uses the right hashtags and captions, and effectively tells your story. All of that is true for video as well.
Keep your videos short. Instagram allows videos to be up to one minute long, which might not seem like very much. However, as far as your audience is concerned, 60 seconds is an eternity. The shorter the video is, the more likely that your audience will actually look at it. What is the fewest number of seconds needed to tell your story?
One video can serve only one purpose. Since your videos are going be so short, you won’t really have time to make lots of points. In fact, you’ll be able to make exactly one point. And you’ll need to get to that point right away, since your audience will start clicking away pretty rapidly. For example, in Paige’s Instagram feed (mentioned earlier), each video demonstrates exactly one aerial routine and each routine begins immediately.
Sound considerations. By default, sound is turned off on Instagram videos. As a consequence, videos that work even with the sound turned off are more likely to be watched and understood by your audience. This doesn’t mean that silent videos are a must. Rather, if you can, see if you can create videos where sound adds to the experience but is not required to understand what is going on. Additionally, if you are planning to do much talking in your videos, you should invest in a microphone that you can connect to your smartphone – it will make a huge difference in your sound quality. One microphone that we recommend for its bang for the buck is the Giant Squid microphone .
Shaky cam (mostly avoid it). Most of the time, having a steady camera is going to make for a better video. How do you get a steady camera? A tripod. A good tripod for smartphones is the G orillaPod .
Video editing. The tools in Instagram for video editing are pretty basic (video shortening and filter addition). If you want to do anything more complicated, you’ll need to put your video together elsewhere and import it into Instagram. There are no shortage of video editing programs, but Paige really likes Videoshop as an app for her phone.
Continuing Your Education
Paige was gracious enough to share this sprawling list of Insta-reading that she’s curated. Scroll through and pick out the topics that best match your needs. As your Insta-talents grow over time, you’ll be able to keep coming back to learn more and more, so be sure to bookmark this page so it’ll always be handy!
Using Instagram to Share Science
- An example of a Instagram “take-over”: http://www.popsci.com/environmental-photographers-take-over-white-house-instagram-0
- AGU’s quick guide to Instagram: https://sharingscience.agu.org/use-social-media/use-instagram/
- Using Instagram for research communication: http://dawnbazely.lab.yorku.ca/2016/11/what-i-learned-about-instagram-from-researchertakeovertuesday-at-the-cou/
- How Scientists Can Use Instagram To Engage The Public and Promote Their Research (from 2013 but still applicable points): https://nycecology.wordpress.com/2013/02/05/science-in-sepia/
- European Space Agency on Instagram: Reaching out to a younger generation http://blogs.esa.int/communication/2015/07/03/instagram-reaching-out-to-the-younger-generation/
“ We realised that the age range for Instagram was between 12 and 25 years old. Most of our youngest followers were space enthusiasts with the dream of becoming astronauts, and others were already in space-related careers (engineers, physics majors, etc). However, we also found that some of our young followers didn’t display a particular interest in space science, which led us to understand that we were succeeding in attracting a broader audience that might have not been interested in ESA’s activities before discovering it on instagram.”
- New SciComm Hashtags: http://blog.scienceborealis.ca/new-scicomm-hashtags-for-the-holidays-from-science-borealis/
- Instagram takeover: Brian Wagner, the ‘fluorescent chemist’ http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/prince-edward-island/pei-instagram-brian-wagner-fluorescent-chemist-photos-1.3663511
- Science Photography – Tips for taking photos of research: https://academic.oup.com/bioscience/article/62/5/458/236369/Science-Photography-Communicating-Research-through
Q&As with Science Instagrammers
- Fishes of Instagram – LSU Grad Student Uses Insta for Science Communication https://lsuscienceblog.squarespace.com/blog/2016/12/1/fishes-of-instagram-lsu-grad-student-uses-insta-for-science-communication
- Mission Accomplished: Promoting Positive Perceptions of Scientists Through Instagram http://www.fromthelabbench.com/from-the-lab-bench-science-blog/2017/1/7/mission-accomplished-promoting-positive-perceptions-of-scientists-through-instagram
- Black holes and Supernovas – Meet the Face of NASA Marshall’s Instagram Account http://www.fromthelabbench.com/from-the-lab-bench-science-blog/2016/12/5/black-holes-and-supernovas-meet-the-face-of-nasa-marshalls-instagram-account
- Share Fieldwork: Featuring Science Instagrammer shelbybo http://www.fromthelabbench.com/from-the-lab-bench-science-blog/2016/11/11/share-fieldwork-featuring-science-instagrammer-shelbybo
- Picture Your Ideas: Featuring Science Instagrammer @Suepillans http://www.fromthelabbench.com/from-the-lab-bench-science-blog/2016/10/5/featuring-a-science-instagrammer-suepillans
- Featuring a Science Instagrammer – @tdthesciencemom http://www.fromthelabbench.com/from-the-lab-bench-science-blog/2016/10/1/featuring-a-science-instagrammer-tdthesciencemom
Science Accounts on Instagram
- 14 Awesome Instagrams All Science Buffs Should Follow http://mentalfloss.com/article/64675/14-awesome-instagrams-all-science-buffs-should-follow
- 19 hashtags and accounts that will science up your Instagram feed in 2016 http://www.irishexaminer.com/examviral/science-world/19-hashtags-and-accounts-that-will-science-up-your-instagram-feed-in-2016-373540.html
- Through the eye’s of a scientist http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/17/tech/science-on-instagram/
- 7 science museums on Instagram: http://mentalfloss.com/article/85614/7-science-museums-you-should-follow-instagram
Instagram for Teaching
- 7 ways teachers are using Instagram: http://mashupmath.com/blog/2016/4/12/7-ways-innovative-teachers-use-instagram
- “I am a scientist” Instagram edition: https://middleschoolscience.com/2015/07/13/i-am-a-scientist-instagram-edition/
- Using Instagram and Pets to Engage Students: http://www.teachmeteacherpodcast.com/podcast/engaging-students-in-science/
General Instagram Tips and How-To
- The art of Instagram captioning: https://later.com/blog/how-to-create-the-best-instagram-caption/
- Science Just Determined Which Instagram Filters You Should Use: https://mic.com/articles/119088/science-just-determined-which-instagram-filters-you-should-use#.fwdNxKB7P
- How to Get More Likes and Comments on Instagram, According to Science http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/how-to-get-more-likes-and-comments-on-instagram-according-to-science/
- The Science of Instagram: http://www.resource-media.org/the-science-of-instagram/
- How to edit Instagram photos, a step-by-step guide: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/edit-instagram-photos#sm.00000skej08jtzd5ysaf9ihb0ohih
- Hashtags for Instagram: https://dscience.co/what-hashtags-should-i-use-for-instagram/
- Smartphone photography tips: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/good-pictures-phone-tips#sm.00000skej08jtzd5ysaf9ihb0ohih
Science Photography and other SciComm
- Shoot what you know: https://sciencecommunicationbreakdown.wordpress.com/2013/10/28/alex-wild/
- 5 Tips for Science Communication http://voices.nationalgeographic.com/2013/10/11/5-simple-tips-for-communicating-science/
- Tips to taking better photos (with a camera) https://petapixel.com/2014/01/24/40-tips-take-better-photos/
Instagram Research Literature
- Why We Filter Our Photos and How It Impacts Engagement : http://comp.social.gatech.edu/papers/icwsm15.why.bakhshi.pdf . “[F]iltered photos are more likely to be viewed and commented on… [F]ilters that impose warm color temperature, boost contrast and increase exposure [brightness], are more likely to be noticed.”
- Tweeting the Mind and Instagramming the Heart: Exploring Differentiated Content Sharing on Social Media https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.02718.pdf
- Faces Engage Us: Photos with Faces Attract More Likes and Comments on Instagram [ PDF ]
- Dawn of the Selfie Era: The Whos, Wheres, and Hows of Selfies on Instagram [ PDF ] “Selfies are an effective medium to grab attention; they generate on average 1.1–3.2 times more likes and comments than other types of content on Instagram.”
- i Phoneography and New Aesthetics: The Emergence of a Social Visual Communication Through Image based Social Media [ PDF ]. “While new visual aesthetics are rooted in the new attraction to vintage filters, social aesthetics manifest in embracing the mundane aspects of human life as a source for visual communication… The success of Instagram is driven by its ability to enhance social experiences while maintaining strong and identifiable visual characteristics.”
- Social media and loneliness: Why an Instagram picture may be worth more than a thousand Twitter words [ PDF ]
- Moving on from Facebook Using Instagram to connect with undergraduates and engage in teaching and learning : http://crln.acrl.org/content/74/8/408.short
- How to Take a Good Selfie? http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2806365 [ PDF ]. Selfies containing lab coats rank high on popularity! Selfies with positive sentiment
General Social Media for SciComm Tips
- A Scientist’s Guide to Social Media http://www.sciencemag.org/careers/features/2014/02/scientists-guide-social-media
For Fun
- Emoji science: http://shortyawards.com/8th/emoji-science