Call for short videos on outreach experiences!

Call for short videos on outreach experiences!

Calling all scientists who engage in outreach!

The #SciFund Challenge is running a free outreaching training class for scientists, and we would like your help! We want to convey the diversity of approaches to outreach and experience with outreach, and so we are looking for ~5 minute videos from people engaged in science outreach. If you are interested in having your voice heard, we would love for you to record yourself answering one or more of the following prompts:

  • Why did you start doing outreach? Why do you continue to do outreach?

  • What has been your outreach journey?

  • Has doing outreach helped you/your scientific career? How so?

  • Has doing outreach hurt you/your scientific career? How so?

  • If there have been outreach obstacles, have you been able to overcome them?

  • How have you managed to keep doing outreach while continuing to do science?

  • How has your academic institution been supportive/not supportive of your outreach?

  • What if you research deals with “sensitive” issues?

  • What’s your outreach great story?

  • What’s your outreach horror story?

After you record your video, please e-mail us at Please provide your name, institutional affiliation (if any), and information about the kind of outreach you do (e.g., link to your blog). We will give you access to a DropBox folder where you can place the video. After we receive the video we will place it on YouTube, and will make a public post on our blog to share the responses we received.

Because our outreach class is running in May, we are going to need your videos soon! April 27th would be the absolute deadline, but if you could send your video in the next week (by April 20th) that would be very much preferred.

By sending us a video you are giving us permission to edit the video, put it on YouTube and our blog, and share it with students taking the course. Editing will likely include adding a title slide (with your information and a note about the video being part of the SciFund online training course). We may also edit your video response into a longer video including the responses of others, but we will be sure to indicate who you are and your affiliation.

Thanks so much for your help!

<3, Weinersmith