In round 1 of #SciFund, 20.4% of projects met their targets (10 out of 49).
In round 2 so far, 21.3% of projects have met their targets (16 out of 75).
So not only have we raised more dollars than we did the first time, we’ve had more projects succeed. And we’ve done all this in less time than before.
The project to put us over the top for this new record is The Unknown Moths of Kaho’olawe! Congratulations to Matthew Medeiros for becoming the latest to hit the funding target.
But that will surely not be the last! The project closest to the finish line right now, in case you’re wondering, is Lauren Kuehne’s The Lakes Are Alive With the Sound of Data, which just needs a lousy $75 to hit the target. Five other projects are more than 80% funded.
We’re closing in on $80,000 and have four days left.
If you haven’t been to the site yet, now is the time!
Update: Lauren Kuehne’s project, “The Lakes are Alive with the Sound of Data” is the 17th to ring the fully funded bell, bringing the percent of projects funded to 22.67%!