How to prepare for #SciFund – by crowdfunding science!

How to prepare for #SciFund – by crowdfunding science!

x-posted from

Are you excited about seeing the 125 hot science projects that got submitted to #SciFund2? Can’t wait the additional month for those projects to post themselves online? Want to fund some awesome science right now? Maybe you signed up and want to earn some pre-#SciFund karma?

Well fear not! The Science tag on Rockethub has been taking off! A few folk were so excited about crowdfunding their work that they couldn’t wait for #SciFund 2! So why not swing over and look at these three projects and warm up your crowd-funding chops before #SciFund 2.

First up we have a project studying stress response in baby kestrels. BABY ANIMALS! (stressed out!) It’s a great simple video with KESTREL CHICKS. Awwww. I admit, I am a sucker for baby animals. Why do you think I like trochophores so much?


Next up we have a project on oyster acidification research. For those in the -omics crowd, this project is going to look at the transcriptome of oysters exposed to acidification. Field science, experiments, global change. Pretty awesome.

Lastly, we have one that just caught my eye on Chameleon color change. It’s for a PhD student working with undergrads to look at how hormone expression relates to color change ability. It’s got a great slick video showing chameleon color change, behavior, and giving you an introduction to the researchers.

[vimeo 38329472 w=500 h=283]