Doing fine with number nine

Doing fine with number nine

Congratulations to Claire Regan! Hers is the ninth #SciFund project to reach its funding target: Where is pollution entering the Chesapeake Bay watershed?

We may have to write another post about the latest 100% Club members. Craig McClain’s woodfall project and Christopher Pincetich’s sea turtles project have less than 10% of the way to go! If we fund those two projects, we will have a new #SciFund record for the highest percent of projects funded. In round 3, we funded 45.7% of projects. The next two projects in this round would put us at just under 48%, with the halfway mark – 50% of projects funded – tantalizingly close…

Don’t you want to be part of breaking a record? You should go to Experiment! Donate! Spread some link love!