Dr. Zen's sweet sounds of science (videos)

Dr. Zen's sweet sounds of science (videos)

from Jarrett Byrnes

For those scientists out there that want to make either a crodwfunding video, or just something to explain what is going on in their research program, Dr. Zen has an AWESOME post up about the importance of good microphones. His post is in the context of the #SciFund challenge, but, really, it’s sage advice for the making of any science vid.

For those of you entering the Week Of Revision that are re-recording some voicovers where you can hear your lips and gums a-workin’ (seriously, you should hear some of my weird early voiceovers), heed his advice! Also, get thee a copy of Audacity. It’s free and remarkably easy to use for audio editing.

It’s also great for silly effects, like, say you want a booming godlike voice saying: Statistics!

So those of you who want to let their voices sound oh so smoove as they share their science, get on over and read Dr. Zen’s advice!