Outreach training class: week 5
Video as a tool for science outreach
Effort * Engagement = Successful Crowdfunding – the R2 and R3 data
Design tips for a killer presentation
The importance of presenting your message
Podcasting as a tool for science outreach
Outreach Training Class: Week 4
Comics as a tool for science outreach

There are nearly endless ways in which scientists can engage in outreach. In a series of blog posts we will explore a handful of outreach outlets, and share stories from people who use these outreach tools. First up, COMICS!
Outreach Training Class: Week 3
Welcome to week 3 of the SciFund Challenge outreach training class for scientists! Last week we focused on crafting our message. This week we’ll develop skills to deliver that message through blogging. This week’s exercise has five parts: A) take a look at a few science blogs, B) write a blog post, C) comment on others’ posts, D) talk about the blogging exercise in a hangout, and E) keep going with Twitter. As a small note, for those of you with your own blog, please do the blog exercise as we suggest and not on your own blog.