#SciFund Challenge Self-Guided Class

Using Twitter to advance your science and your career

Part 0: Introduction

Hello person! Right here on this page, we'll be working together through some of the mysteries of science communication. We think (hope) you'll get a lot out of reading this - but (there's always a but) may we suggest that you consider taking one of our (cheap) online communication classes, where we plunge yet further into the inky depths of science communication. The big bonus with them is that our classes are very collaborative, which is a huge assist when you're making your way through this kind of thing. Sign up for our exciting, delighting email list to keep in the loop! Anyway, on with the show.

Hey there researcher! So, you're interested in using Twitter to advance your science or science communication. Well, you can breathe easy because do we have some guidance for you. This guide assumes that you have no knowledge or experience with Twitter. If do you happen to have used Twitter before, feel free to skip Part 1 (getting set up with Twitter) and Part 2 (the basics of using Twitter).

This guide assumes that you have read our Audience First module. So, do take a look if you haven't already. With Audience First, you'll get a handle on your communication goals as well as on how to reach them. It's important to think through these kind of things first, as it will really inform how you use Twitter.

One other thing. This handy-dandy Tome to Twitter was adapted from materials that were originally developed for a SciFund Challenge in-person class. This earlier class was co-taught and co-developed by Dr. Kristina Killgrove, an awesome biological anthropologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. You will be doing yourself a big favor if you check her out on Twitter and on her blog at Forbes.

Okay, off we go!