Introducing #SciFund Voices: chats by scientists, for scientists.
#SciFund Panel Discussion: The truth about science crowdfunding (Live Feed)
Truth about science crowdfunding: panel discussion
What does it take to succeed at science crowdfunding? Join us for a free panel discussion on the topic, broadcast live on YouTube and Google+. Our panel features scientists who have succeeded at crowdfunding, researchers who are studying the field, and even a founder of a science crowdfunding site. And we’ll be taking questions from the audience, via Google+ and Twitter (use the #SciFund hashtag). We are sure to have a fascinating discussion, so please jump in!
SciFund science crowdfunding paper published!
We’ve gone non-profit!
It brings me great pleasure to announce that the #SciFund Challenge is now officially a not-for-profit organization. After two years of planning and careful execution we’ve finally received our IRS approval. Now the REAL fun can begin.