Deep in the ocean, sharks pursue their prey. Large species found in…
The Ecology of an American Dream
Every 4th of July, my family and I head to Cape Cod…
Light my fire: fire’s role in ecosystems
For nearly a decade during summers I would get that “butterflies in…
BioBlitz: a coming together of scientists, naturalists, and the community
One of the reasons I wanted to start contributing to a blog…
Time for Human Evolution
Scientists assert that all life evolved from a single common ancestor. The…
The Luxury Effect
Cities are unique ecosystems, entirely shaped by human activity. Even human demographic…
Lightning bugs and fireflies provide flashes of ecological insight on summer nights
I saw my first lightning bug of the season this past weekend…
Beer: the ecology and biogeography
“I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth,…
Why we should be aware of Chagas Disease
If you have read my blogposts you may be aware that I…
Next at 11: Science misinformation
When we set out to do this blog the main goal was…